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Vehicle Transport

We have been fortunate to work with buyers spanning the globe over the course of the last 15+ years. Over the course of that time we have worked with countless transport companies and one has continually stood out from the rest! We now offer our buyers transport arrangement assistance in conjunction with Nationwide Discount Auto Transport.


Nation Wide Discount Auto Transport

We have used this company for our own transport needs as well as recommended them to our customers with excellent results for a number of years now. 

Here is their contact information. We are not affiliated with this company, however they have proven time and again that our customers vehicles are safe with them and their reviews are excellent.


Phone: 715-573-4040

Nation Wide Discount Auto Transport
231166 Spur Lane
Wausau, WI 54403

1 (951) 473-6520

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©2018 by Classic Car Pro. A Division of RA Winkler Enterprises, LLC.

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